Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Communists and India

An informative article on role of Indian communists.

  • Indian communists supported Pakisthan Movement - Obvious, they disagreed with the british on the ruler. Tahira Mazar Ali Khan delivered the support. With major intellectual capital of communism from Europe, there was lot of similarity between communists and British.
  • Emergency was supported by soviet wing - in fear of RSS and hindus. Opposed by some others. The author of the above article resents the opposition, he thinks emergency would have broken the hindus.They hate Modi. Simple.

Thursday, April 16, 2015

An utilitarian argument justifying death of Giraffe

A Giraffe was hunted down by a hunter. People criticized the hunter. Now she offers an utilitarian argument to justify the death of Giraffe :

  • The Giraffe was cut into pieces, its meat was fed to people.
  • Its bone scrapped out and used
  • The tail of Giraffe was cut and made ornaments.
Thus killing of Giraffe was proper, its photo was tweeted to honor its life.

Bretain and anglicized India used lot of utilitarian arguments to study the culture in third-world countries, most of those cultures are dead.

Saturday, April 4, 2015

Libya, Syria and then Ukraine- Bernard-Henri Levy

I had this post about a year back. Posts referred to similarity of operation in Syria, Libya, Ukraine and the revolutions in general.

 One interesting character,  that shadowed, foretold all the misery and wars - like a dark omen -is french philosopher Bernard Hery Levi. He was present in Ukraine, He was there in bringing wars and misery to Libya. He explained the rational as a western man and jew showing fraternity to Muslims.

As a public figure, Mr Levy's apparent good intentions is only matched by Mr McCain in contribution towards displacement of millions.